Jam Chart for Down with Disease (108 entries)

Date City Timing Notes
1993-12-31 Worcester, MA 3:38 Jam segment only following "Auld Lang Syne" (Released on Live Bait Volume 3).
1994-04-04 Burlington, VT 7:41 Debut of the complete song.
1994-04-06 Toronto, Ontario, Canada 7:49 Trey is just ON FIRE! A thrilling, albeit straight-up "Type I" version.
1994-06-16 Minneapolis, MN 9:31 The first "Type II" version in which the jam almost immediately breaks away into a rhythmic and rocking groove before settling into some good quieter space. The jam regains some pulse and power before -> to "Contact."
1994-10-29 Spartanburg, SC 10:33 Not way out there, but moments of crashing, noisy rocking beyond the standard, then some great '94 space following the final lyrics before a -> to "TMWSIY."
1994-11-12 Kent, OH 14:08 Fantastic, improvisational '94-style jamming. One of the very best versions of "DwD," but oh so different from the funk versions of later years. Includes a -> "Have Mercy" -> "DwD." Somewhat unusual ending with -> to "Lifeboy."
1994-11-12 Kent, OH 5:12 -> in from "Have Mercy." More excellent '94-style jamming on this epic combination which -> to "Lifeboy."
1994-11-30 Olympia, WA 10:00 Gets beyond "DwD" several times with some dissonant jamming, then makes a big break at 7:00 into "Type II" terrain. Returns to "DwD," but with flashes of dissonance.
1995-06-26 Saratoga Springs, NY 23:26 Very exploratory, wide-ranging jam that is rhythmically oriented and, like other Summer '95 jams, has a psychological edginess to it. -> to an epic "Free."
1995-12-12 Providence, RI 31:46 Extremely improvisational, experimental, "Type II"-on-steroids jamming. Musically, it's all over the map. But "DwD" fans should give this a listen to experience the band taking a fearless plunge into the abyss. -> to "Lizards."
1996-07-23 Hamburg, Germany 15:19 Starts to break away from the standard at about 8:00 into a driving, rhythmic jam which gets out there nicely. Returns to "DwD" only in the final minute, with a > to "McGrupp." Much more exploratory than most '96 versions excl. 11/27/96.
1996-08-05 Morrison, CO 16:52 Great early funk jam starts at 12:00 with Page on the clavinet and Trey on the mini percussion kit. -> to "It's Ice."
1996-08-10 East Troy, WI 13:04 Has a really good but brief breakdown jam from 8:15 - 11:15 before returning to "DwD" to conclude. Several other '96 versions have a similar 3 or so minute rhythmic jams that return to "DwD" (10/19/96, 10/22/96, and 12/31/96).
1996-08-16 Plattsburgh, NY 15:34 Although largely "Type I,", this very popular, well-played version strays from the ranch towards the end with a -> to "NICU."
1996-11-27 Seattle, WA 23:04 Very improvisational, exploratory version that leaves "DwD" in the dust after 7:00. Several sections to this high quality version which -> to "JJLC" and includes a closing of "DwD" (straightforward, 4:26 duration) later in the set.
1996-11-27 Seattle, WA 3:27 -> in from "Sweet Emotion Jam." The preceding "Tweezer" and "Sweet Emotion Jam" fit nicely together with this "DwD" reprise, as if one cohesive piece of music. Following a big, exploratory "DwD" earlier in the set, this reprise version brings closure to a great sequence of music.
1997-02-17 Amsterdam, Netherlands 18:25 Inspiring, upbeat jam develops some filthy, funky legs before -> to the astounding debut of "Carini," which -> "Taste" -> "DwD" (the closing section). Viewed as a single piece, it's 47 minutes of incredible, must-hear jamming.
1997-02-17 Amsterdam, Netherlands 1:24 Closing section of this epic "DwD" -> "Carini" -> "Taste" -> "DwD" combination.
1997-02-21 Florence, Italy 16:05 Nice melodic departure from the standard that grows increasingly funky as it progresses. Great Page B-3 action.
1997-06-25 Lille, France 21:29 The jam cuts into funk mode pretty quickly, gets more rocking, then back to more funk. After a brief settle, there is a -> to "Piper."
1997-06-25 Lille, France 2:59 The ending section of this "DwD" -> "Piper" -> "DwD" combination includes "CYHMK" teases and -> to "Meatstick."
1997-07-22 Raleigh, NC 19:56 Multi-part, heavy duty funk jam -> "Mike's Song."
1997-08-02 George, WA 16:34 All kinds of good funk in this strong version that -> into "Tweezer," after which "DwD" arguably returns for a minute or two.
1997-08-17 Limestone, ME 27:07 A paramount, must-hear version that includes multiple stages of funk, rock, and space funk, and concludes with an incredible Mike and Trey duet which -> to an equally transcendent "Bathtub Gin."
1997-12-11 Rochester, NY 19:54 High octane jam flames out at 11:00 into an excellent Page and Mike led minimalist groove which -> to "Maze." There is also a -> "DwD" from "Ghost" later in this show to complete the earlier, unfinished version.
1997-12-29 New York, NY 22:00 Fearsome but exploratory jam. Moments of quiet settle are repeatedly upended by intense funk rocking. This legitimate monster "Disease" finally gives up a little belligerence only to -> into a very strong "David Bowie."
1998-07-01 Copenhagen, Denmark 20:17 Intense "Type I" jam collapses into eerie space, rebuilds to "DwD" to close, then is followed by a really great 5 minute ambient jam before a masterful -> "Dog Faced Boy."
1998-08-16 Limestone, ME 18:37 Around 12:00, the jam breaks from the standard into 6 minutes of heavy funk-based jamming. > to "Piper."
1998-11-13 Cleveland, OH 17:55 A hard rocking straightforward jam finally breaks into a great upbeat and swinging groove which works back to "DwD."
1998-12-30 New York, NY 20:59 Improvisational and intense. Several sections in this far ranging jam foreshadow the swirling sounds and groove-based jamming that would dominate '99 - '00. Triumphant return to "DwD" to conclude with a > to "Piper."
1999-07-01 Antioch, TN 18:38 As if playing to extinguish the pouring rain, Trey's "soloing" is incendiary, a sort of in-your-face jamming possibly unparalleled. The jam isn't totally absent nuance, however, and play cools to become a bit introspective before the band nimbly works towards the song's conclusion and > "Caspian."
1999-07-17 Volney, NY 23:34 Blistering hot straightforward jam eventually runs out of fuel and gasps for breath for a stretch before regaining momentum and focus and returning to "DwD."
1999-12-08 Portland, ME 15:09 An upbeat groove develops away from the standard that has an almost an "Gin"-like vibe to it before returning to "DwD."
1999-12-15 Washington, DC 15:24 Compared to most '99s, the jam here breaks earlier into a light, textured groove that intensifies as it returns to "DwD."
1999-12-31 Big Cypress, FL 23:41 Laid back but joyful millennial celebratory groove. This is feel good music. Unfinished with -> to "Llama."
2000-05-21 New York, NY 20:23 At 10:35, a very good quality, quick tempo groove-based jam emerges. It settles some and returns to "DwD" to conclude.
2000-06-10 Koto-ku, Tokyo, Japan 24:04 A very upbeat groove develops and grows more intense as it progresses. Eventually the jam becomes more subdued before rebuilding with spacey effects and returning to "DwD" to conclude.
2000-06-15 Chuo-ku, Osaka, Japan 27:37 The jam breaks into a nice rhythmic groove around 11:40, with great Fish and Mike. Around 18:00, Trey jumps to the keyboards, and then it gets, well, weird. Similar to 12/12/95, it's very exploratory, but perhaps not transcendent music.
2000-07-15 Columbus, OH 26:45 Another big and rocking groove-based jam that neatly -> into "While My Guitar Gently Weeps."
2000-09-12 Mansfield, MA 26:04 A very rhythmic Fish and Mike led groove springs out of the customarily intense "Type I" section. Trey adds some spacey effects before bringing it back to close, followed by some transition space and a > to "Heavy Things."
2000-09-22 Rosemont, IL 17:07 An upbeat groove-based jam develops with building intensity leading to the return to "DwD" to close.
2003-02-16 Las Vegas, NV 11:05 "DwD" -> "Seven Below" -> "DwD." "DwD" gets a little beyond straightforward.
2003-02-16 Las Vegas, NV 2:24 -> in from "Seven Below" to close and complete the sandwich.
2003-02-21 Cincinnati, OH 17:12 Nothing too deep, just a nice "feel good" jam that bops along with sprinkles of improvisation from Trey and Page before returning to "DwD" to close.
2003-07-08 Chula Vista, CA 18:59 Very "Type II" version in which Trey seems to play a less dominant role mid-jam, letting Mike and Page funk it up.
2003-07-18 East Troy, WI 23:15 Incredibly improvisational and hard driving version that includes a section from 17:40 - 19:00 that sounds similar to "Woman of Tokyo." -> to "Catapult" although arguably it's really part of the same jam.
2003-07-23 Noblesville, IN 20:32 Some beautiful major key jamming at first, a "CYHMK" tease, then it gets a little more dark and intense. There is some very good modulation of intensity as the jam progresses and > to "Coil" with no return to "DwD."
2003-08-02 Limestone, ME 22:22 Improvisational version from the IT Festival includes a fair amount of haunting and chilling effects-laden playing from Trey and Page before -> "NICU."
2003-11-28 Uniondale, NY 16:44 Stays on the customary "Type I" jam for a good while before shifting to a rocking and rhythmic bent.
2003-12-30 Miami, FL 16:16 A nice and very different low intensity, melodic Trey-led jam emerges that is almost delicate before rebuilding to conclude.
2004-04-15 Las Vegas, NV 16:58 Shaking off a rough start to this version, Trey leads the band into the jam which begins intensely with great thrumming Mike and growling, distorted guitar effects. The intensity gradually diminishes, resulting in more quiet play which retains an ominous sense of melancholy.
2004-06-24 Noblesville, IN 17:35 Nice easy-going rhythmic groove which eventually morphs into a celebratory jam before -> "Rock And Roll."
2004-08-11 Mansfield, MA 15:51 -> in from "Suzy." The jams gets well removed from "DwD" into quiet and dark exploration with great Page and Mike.
2004-08-15 Coventry, VT 19:02 Very unusual version. The first jam segment is strange, spacey, and Trey sounds off-key at times. Then there's a second jam following the closing riff (without vocal refrain) which has some interesting moments and is pretty soulful.
2009-03-08 Hampton, VA 22:17 An unusually melodic, intricate and mesmerizing jam develops. While also improvisational, it's the grace and beauty of this version that distinguishes it as perhaps the highlight of the run of shows beginning the 3.0 era.
2009-08-01 Morrison, CO 15:22 "LA Woman" teases and an excellent moving jam with rhythmic shifts and Page on multiple keyboard instruments.
2009-08-14 Hartford, CT 13:00 Atypically soulful soloing from Trey, with a strong "Reba"-like jam, shortly before the ending segue into "Wilson."
2009-11-24 Philadelphia, PA 16:56 A good and wide-ranging jam develops that includes optimistic, rhythmic, and introspective sections. The jam eventually gets spacey, although it's pretty decent space and > well to "Twenty Years Later."
2009-12-03 New York, NY 18:34 Intense and somewhat funky jamming morphs to major mode bliss before devolving to extended space and > to "Piper."
2010-06-17 Hartford, CT 16:49 A very good clavinet-led funk groove develops. Briefly seems to be rebuilding to return to "DwD", but instead -> "Sand."
2010-08-05 Berkeley, CA 14:52 A pulsing and driving jam settles down into a snappy, rhythmic and curiously enchanting section that > "Free."
2011-06-03 Clarkston, MI 24:18 Inspirational, melodic and far-reaching version which includes a jam based on John Coltrane's "A Love Supreme." Many consider this among the very top jams of 3.0 and proof that "DwD" is as potent now as ever. -> "Fluffhead."
2011-08-16 Chicago, IL 20:57 Multi-faceted, improvisational version with mesmerizing, pulsing and triumphant moments. Eventually mellows into good space which regains energy and -> to "Twist."
2012-06-29 Noblesville, IN 14:45 High quality jam develops that is dark and brooding at first, but grows increasingly upbeat and intense. > to "Sand."
2012-08-17 San Francisco, CA 15:44 Good multi-part jam with great Mike in the early, pulsing section, then more good Mike and Trey in a mostly upbeat, major mode section that has a pensive quality. Unfinished with a > to "BOAF."
2012-12-30 New York, NY 19:00 Phenomenal improvisation. Dark, bright, introspective, spacious, beautiful, powerful, riveting - all applicable descriptors for this far-ranging, exploratory and must-hear version. > to "Twenty Years Later."
2013-07-22 Toronto, Ontario, Canada 18:15 Some really beautiful, inspiring and upbeat jamming ("HOSE") darkens, gets punchy, and > to "2001."
2013-08-02 San Francisco, CA 14:11 Quality exploratory version that succinctly covers a range of interesting territory before > to a compact, solid "Caspian."
2013-10-29 Reading, PA 21:20 An excellent, multi-section jam begins dark and stormy, then starts grooving in a very upbeat manner with growing energy. After letting the "HOSE" run for several minutes, the jam methodically cycles down.
2013-11-02 Atlantic City, NJ 16:18 The jam breaks into a good percussive and rocking groove, then it lightens and brightens, re-energizes, and -> to "Piper."
2013-12-29 New York, NY 18:27 Great version which rocks along in familiar territory before becoming deep, dark and thought-provoking. The jam lightens in sentiment around 12:00, breaks into a power-rocking groove and makes a stately return to "DwD" to close.
2014-07-11 New York, NY 18:22 The jam breaks at 8:00 into some funky stretching, but Trey quickly seizes on a great riff, which the band coalesces around. As the boys bring the jam up to celebration mode, there is some brief "Woo" jamming before it settles to quieter play with great Page.
2014-07-15 Canandaigua, NY 20:12 A nice jam departs the standard, moving into some darkish probing. Gradually, the jam builds into a more upbeat groove, but with exploratory moments interspersed, included some great funky Mike and Page teaming, and a Trey and Fish-led rocking ending section.
2014-08-01 Orange Beach, AL 19:46 Following some quality "Type I" playing, the jam veers away at 9:00, shifting to minor mode and exploring some quieter realms. At 12:40, the mode shifts back to major, and the jam builds to an inspired peak, followed by additional tension-filled exploration.
2014-08-30 Commerce City, CO 14:53 The typical "DwD" jam includes high energy and dissonant moments. Then the jam settles down and shifts into some soothing and cerebral grooving which -> to "What's The Use."
2014-10-24 Inglewood, CA 16:24 After extended and very pleasant "Type I" jamming, Mike and Trey drive the play down into some murky and atonal depths. Then this diseased ship gloriously resurfaces to a magnificent conclusion.
2015-01-03 Miami, FL 25:46 The band makes a breathtaking, powerful statement with this improvisational and multi-section juggernaut. The now common 3.0 "Hose" style is enhanced by a swinging vibe and serious power rocking, bookended by great percussive funk.
2015-08-02 Tuscaloosa, AL 18:52 The jam works away from "DwD" with a raw, dark tone, then shifts to some smooth, cheery and rhythmic play, which some hear as "Piper"-like. The energy and buoyant sense ramps up, and then the jam gradually recedes to quiet, brooding interplay.
2015-08-05 Kansas City, MO 20:41 The band seems content to keep the majority of this jam in a low key state of quieter musing. A few energy upticks along the way to an eventually rocking peak, but this is largely a settled, chill out jam without the now typical bliss section(s).
2015-08-08 East Troy, WI 13:40 A really wonderful version which, while it follows a fairly predictable trajectory with a cohesive brightening, is accented by heart-felt tone and cool sonics. The concluding section neatly shifts between warmer and more introspective sentiments.
2015-09-06 Commerce City, CO 17:43 Moving beyond the typical "DwD" gyrations, the jam briefly turns atonal and dissonant, before Trey hits upon a soothing but uplifting theme/progression, which builds to an exultant peak. Although this jam format isn't novel, this proven formula in this instance pays off handsomely.
2016-01-17 Riviera Maya, Quintana Roo, Mexico 19:12 A very solid version in which the jam initially breaks away into some dark and low intensity playing. The mood brightens, then Page starts playing samples from "Shipwreck." After several minutes, the guys abandon ship, ending the jam on a high point with jubilant, celebratory playing.
2016-07-19 San Francisco, CA 15:57 Leaving the standard behind, the jam quickly gains a warm and encouraging sense. Gradually, this feel-good sense is overtaken by driven, rock-oriented play with a threatening feel. Heavy bass action, wailing guitar sounds and effects work to increase the sense of foreboding.
2016-09-03 Commerce City, CO 12:47 Fierce, first-set jamming features fiery Trey and really fantastic Fish. The band explores a murky, yet musical calm, before rebuilding intensity replete with Trey evincing a fist-pumping return to the final refrain/traditional finish.
2016-10-21 Alpharetta, GA 21:08 Trey dominates early, powering the band through familiar ground and creating an "old school" vibe. From here, several distinct improvisational sections emerge, with strong contributions by everyone, including a masterful Marimba Lumina section a la Trey.
2016-10-30 Las Vegas, NV 21:15 An intense, driving and multi-faceted juggernaut. Initially breaking into quieter, probing play, the mood brightens into a rocking, upbeat section. Then Mike destroys the world as the sentiment turns darker, intense and ominous. Page and Fish are pivotal, but Mike rules as the energy rises to a second, ferocious peak, before settling a bit. Talk about Ass Handed!
2017-07-18 Dayton, OH 22:50 Mixing some great new sounds, especially Page, with a fairly familiar jamming pattern, the band succeeds in recycling a formulaic, major mode and upbeat-oriented jam into a warm and very fresh sounding performance with a Trey-led peak.
2017-09-03 Commerce City, CO 20:50 The jam is propelled atop minor mode loops into deep space, before touching down on a new world. The hatch swings open, and for a brief moment the scene is serene. Suddenly, the jam is transported at warp speed into the deep unknown, where electromagnetic thunder echoes from the Modulus, the Voyager opens transient portals through space-time, and the Languedoc transmits patterns into the spectral void in search of signs of life. Alas, we're surrounded only by the beeps of industrial robots as darkness sets in. But the >"Light" grows brighter...
2017-12-30 New York, NY 28:21 Big-time version from the NYE run that moves smoothly through powerful grooves that touch upon several shades of darkness, thanks to some really heavy work from both Trey and Mike, before turning upbeat and anthemic and dazzling the crowd with a wonderful feel-good journey to The Land of Bliss. The band gooses some "woo"s, then wind down and segue neatly into "Steam".
2018-07-31 Del Valle, TX 17:02 The "yang" to Set II's opening "Everything's Right", this supersized (and supersonic) version perfectly illustrates how seemingly opposite, or contrary forces, function in compliment. As if thematically connected, the band taps into the set-opener's protracted improvisation, and works this sound in opposite, exploring any number of dark, layered passages, which evoke any number of points in Phish's career.
2018-08-07 Camden, NJ 24:08 "Orchestral" in nature, the band smoothly transitions through several distinct "movements", each refined and offering something different by way of nuance or texture. Be the passage airy or muscular, driven or restrained, the jam remains engaging and highly musical, ultimately yielding to patterned, tripped-out effects, culminating with an august, psychedelic conclusion.
2018-09-01 Commerce City, CO 16:03 Mike lays it on thick in this potent first set affair that breaks out into a great groove which Trey later steers to a peak and a smooth return to the closing riff.
2018-12-31 New York, NY 17:57 A punchy groove emerges from the song proper. Trey envelops the music with an effects-based sonic haze, with Page's rich organ bed carefully cradling Fish and Mike's locked-in play. At around 13:00 the music grows in intensity, building a psychedelic groove replete with muscular synth bass and broken polyrhythms via Fishman. This steadily builds to a raging minor key rock peak, followed by a denouement of brief ambience.
2019-06-25 Bangor, ME 19:23 This version is Mike-led from the very beginning. He and Page take the reins early, creating a cool, textured sound. By the 9:00 mark, a full band jam has emerged, which morphs into a funky, dance-party jam. Fantastic play from Trey punctuates the jam as it > into "Play By Play."
2019-07-02 Saratoga Springs, NY 20:30 > from "Cool Amber and Mercury." One week later, and another monster "Disease" is played. This is a multi-layered jam with multiple themes; if you don't like where the jam goes at one point, just wait three minutes and it will go off in another direction. Trey navigates and leads the band with the ease and confidence we've come to expect. > into a cool "Scents and Subtle Sounds."
2021-10-19 Eugene, OR 25:24 Kicks off a fiery Eugene run in the 1 slot. Fish and Mike clobber the type 1 portion of the jam, allowing Page to springboard with gorgeous parallel octaves and Trey to add swathes of emotion courtesy of effects. At 9:30 the jam enters its first of numerous vignettes; shifting from airy and blissy to dark and effects-laden, the jam pushes through each scene before finally coalescing into a final Fish-driven groove. Unfinished > "Runaway Jim."
2022-02-25 Cancun, Quintana Roo, Mexico 25:01 After a pretty intense run-through of a typical "Disease" jam, the play downshifts around 9:30, showcasing subtle band interplay and dynamics shifts, ultimately finding a closing theme in the latter stages and > "BDTNL".
2022-04-20 New York, NY 22:48 A botched composed section leads to what the band does best these days: extended improvisation and longform jamming. Departing the song proper, Trey, atop Fish's incendiary offbeat playing, eases into a melodic line (offset by fiery riffing) and accented by awesome Page on his concert G. A cool, almost stately jam emerges, with Trey shaping his tone to make of familiar territory something new. Mike and Fish add a lot of color before the jam regains intensity and finds its rugged way to the song's anthemic closing refrain.
2022-07-16 Bangor, ME 30:31 Old meets new. > from a strong Sigma Oasis, the band erupts, "DWD" exploring myriad sonic territories. Better off dancing about architecture than writing about this one. Just drop out. Or tune in. > a perfectly placed "WTU?"
2022-08-05 Atlantic City, NJ 20:51 Big version that anchors a magical second set. The jam begins in highly melodic and patient territory. An easy-going but sonically complex jam follows, with the band shifting through effects while Fishman gallops along. As the music deepens and intensifies, Trey dips into the "bullfrog" effect, Page stacks synthesizers, and Mike taps into his synth bass palette. Fishman cuts the beat in half, and we enter a passage of effect-drenched space funk. Amidst the murk, Trey and Mike coax out a seamless "Midnight Rider" tease/jam at 16:55, much to the delight of ABB fans and tease-chasers alike. The jam then cools down into a gorgeous and remarkably delicate major key section. > a fiery "Ruby Waves."
2022-08-05 Atlantic City, NJ 0:50 "DWD"'s closing section emerges from the ashes of an incendiary "Ruby Waves", finishing a brilliant segment of music. > an equally inspired "Ghost."
2023-02-25 Cancun, Quintana Roo, Mexico 24:42 Several key modulations and tempo changes adorn this wild improvisational ride, which also features some curiously melodic synth work from Page at times. Put on the headphones, close your eyes, lie down and listen to this imagining yourself lying on a sandy beach beside cascading soothing waves admiring and exploring the clear ever-expanding starry universe.
2023-04-21 Hollywood, CA 21:50 In lieu of lead-pointed playing, Trey sets the initial tone by tossing out spacious chords and arpeggiations. Page synths and hazy Trey delay paint the scene before a slightly dissonant transition space develops. The band then dials up the grime to deliver a sludge-y, stomping minor key rock-out. Ample time is spent in the murk before fading out > "Mercury."
2023-07-29 New York, NY 18:38 Stays in the song's upbeat outro until cooling into a minor section at 7:00 that bridges the gap to the heart of the jam around 8:50 when it's driven into soulful bliss that runs through 14:00, after which a coda prods in a new direction and brings things to a close.
2024-04-21 Las Vegas, NV 34:08 Very exploratory, wide-ranging jam that is rhythmically oriented but, unlike other Sphere (and recent) jams, seems a bit more spacious. The jam easily could've ended (and been a classic) before 25:15, but, from that point on, the band enters some of the run's best improv. Maybe so. Incredible version.
2024-08-02 Noblesville, IN 15:05 Showing up in the rare spot of the third song of Set 2, this "DWD" has the band locked in and playing off each other the whole time. The jam gets introspective for a time and then a bit heavy, before giving way to peak-y play and then back into the "Disease" solo. It wouldn't be the last time that solo wove its way into the setlist that night.
2024-08-10 Bethel, NY 17:56 Breaks out of traditional "DWD" space almost immediately for a swirling, psychedelic zone, featuring excellent dynamic play from Mike. With a steady rhythmic attack providing a platform, play grows more and more densely layered, with tonal shifts popping up like wormholes along the way. The train rides on undeterred, before executing an excellent ->"Waves".
2024-08-17 Dover, DE 19:15 Big festival version goes deep at the Woodlands in Dover as one course in the middle of an absolutely stacked second set entree -> "Tweezer".
Jam chart versions are selected because of improvisational and other characteristics that distinguish these from typical versions of the song.
The jam chart team has highlighted some versions with a yellow background; these are the versions the team believes to be especially improvisational, or otherwise notable.
A purple date indicates that you were in attendance.


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