Jam Chart for the state of WA (126 entries)

Date Song City Timing Notes
1991-04-06 Magilla Olympia, WA 4:15 "Magilla" in inverse, with Page in the lead-off solo position and Trey adding fills. The two swap roles, and fantastic playing ensues. Everyone is on point, and everyone solos. Sunny. Bright.
1991-10-11 Bowie Seattle, WA 11:35 The jam, very much based on "Cavern," is pretty cool. Returns to "Bowie" for a solid wrap-up.
1991-10-13 Reba Olympia, WA 12:41 Mike and Fish lay the foundation for a really great, groove-based jam. Nothing over the top. Just really thoughtful and attentive playing, with Page providing on-point fills. Trey's playing is patient and plucky, which affords room for a great build and a huge payoff, if not quite traditional "peak."
1991-10-13 Weekapaug Olympia, WA 5:18 A dissonant and exotic sounding jam, almost like Trey is layering the "Brother" jam on top of "Weekapaug."
1992-04-25 YEM Olympia, WA 20:47 "Chariots of Fire" VJ.
1993-04-02 Weekapaug Bellingham, WA 14:18 The breakdown begins with dissonant rocking by Trey and Mike, then leaves "Weekapaug" altogether, journeying through several improvisational soundscapes. Arguably the most out-there, experimental "Weekapaug" ever, with a blazing return home and vocal jam taboot.
1993-04-05 Stash Seattle, WA 13:38 Excellent, very exploratory version that includes some "DEG"-like jamming. Well beyond "Stash" proper.
1993-08-25 Bag Seattle, WA 9:39 The old intro section is played again. Some cool Mike action on this version.
1993-08-25 Stash Seattle, WA 14:48 Yet another wildly exploratory August '93 "Stash." This one gets far from home, but doesn't quite gel cohesively.
1993-08-25 Possum Seattle, WA 12:46 A couple of short sections that stretch beyond "Possum," plenty of intense, improvisational "Type I" action, and incredible shredding.
1993-08-25 YEM Seattle, WA 22:42 Magnificent jam segment. Guest artist Baby Gramps joins the band for the vocal jam, which > to his "Nuthin' But A Nuthin'" aka "Mice And Bats."
1993-08-25 Nothin' But A Nothin' Seattle, WA 5:48 > in from "YEM." Guest artist Baby Gramps joined the band for the "YEM" vocal jam, and then continue with a humorous rendition of his song aka "Mice And Bats," with Fish on vacuum.
1994-05-20 It's Ice Olympia, WA 9:55 Page and Fish lead the band in a couple of different grooves. An atypically funky jam in parts.
1994-05-20 Gin Olympia, WA 10:54 Some good thrashing around early, then the jam breaks into a classic "Type I" jam with spirited play and a cool ending.
1994-05-20 Antelope Olympia, WA 12:06 Weird, experimental jamming with lots of angry dissonance, tempo changes, and a crazy build to the peak. Then at the very end, there is a cool Trey solo with subtle backup from the others.
1994-05-20 YEM Olympia, WA 20:55 Twisted, odd version. "Ob La Di"...
1994-11-30 My Friend Olympia, WA 8:21 Quality '94 space jamming in the outro section which > to "Reba."
1994-11-30 DwD Olympia, WA 10:00 Gets beyond "DwD" several times with some dissonant jamming, then makes a big break at 7:00 into "Type II" terrain. Returns to "DwD," but with flashes of dissonance.
1994-11-30 Antelope Olympia, WA 10:03 "Antelope" -> "MSO" -> "Antelope" -> "Fixin' To Die." Awesome Fall '94 improvisation. The first section of "Antelope" is strong but par for this period. However the section following "MSO" includes some excellent, experimental jamming, and segues smoothly into the band's only electrified version of "Fixin' To Die".
1994-11-30 MSO Olympia, WA 3:46 -> in from "Antelope." Humorous version with snoring provides a brief relief before -> back to the "RLAA" -> "Fixin' To Die" storm.
1994-11-30 Antelope Olympia, WA 7:32 -> in from "My Sweet One." The second and very "Type II" section of "Antelope" charges away and -> to the electrified "Fixin' To Die."
1994-11-30 Fixin' to Die Olympia, WA 4:51 -> in from "RLAA." Awesome electrified version puts the final touches on this awesome jam and song combination.
1994-11-30 Ya Mar Olympia, WA 9:41 -> in from "Fixin' To Die." Trey turns the volume down to almost zero, then builds it back up during his solo. -> to "Mike's Song."
1995-10-02 Simple Seattle, WA 9:21 Rocking outro turns serene and dreamy, then grows creepy and dissonant, and > to "Keyboard Army."
1995-10-02 Slave Seattle, WA 11:35 Near silence at the beginning of the jam, then listen carefully at 4:45 as Fish delicately and musically adds his Electrolux to the mix. The jam then kicks up several notches, and like 6/15/95, Fish seems to up the tempo slightly to add energy and power to this very fine version.
1995-10-07 Possum Spokane, WA 12:02 Very solid "Possum" with building tension and moderate dissonance. Great variation and trilling by Trey, and a sweet peak.
1995-10-07 SOAMelt Spokane, WA 15:41 Just a good solid, improvisational and well played version with tension, pulsing rhythm, and a creative ending section too.
1995-10-07 It's Ice Spokane, WA 10:43 Although Page dominated, the jam has contributions from all band members in a somewhat dissonant, but atypically melodic, and chilling, version.
1995-10-07 Hood Spokane, WA 16:03 A heartfelt and moving version with beautiful soloing by Trey, who briefly plays without amplification. Then the jam builds to a powerful '95 peak, but is unfinished with a crazy crescendo of sound instead of the closing refrain.
1996-11-22 Caspian Spokane, WA 9:15 > in from "DwD." After some nice melodic work from Trey, the jam hits on a riff and theme common in '96 versions. Beautiful, extended breakdown section follows prior to closing chords and > to "Maze."
1996-11-22 Slave Spokane, WA 10:32 After some solid but typical early play, Trey shifts to strumming chords in the middle section, nicely giving space to Mike. Page shines while jumping from piano to the B-3 as the power cranks up, and all four are in sync as they push the jam to a full power peak.
1996-11-27 Theme Seattle, WA 9:10 -> in from "Free." The jam takes a very different and interesting direction than most before getting back to "Theme."
1996-11-27 DwD Seattle, WA 23:04 Very improvisational, exploratory version that leaves "DwD" in the dust after 7:00. Several sections to this high quality version which -> to "JJLC" and includes a closing of "DwD" (straightforward, 4:26 duration) later in the set.
1996-11-27 SOAMule Seattle, WA 14:28 Page solo > Trey on guitar/vocal with "Brady Bunch Theme" teases > Page piano with Fish on vacuum > klezmer > chanting.
1996-11-27 Tweezer Seattle, WA 10:46 A solid but straightforward "Tweezer" melts into a jam on Aerosmith's "Sweet Emotion," and from there into a reprise of "DwD" which was played earlier in this show.
1996-11-27 Sweet Emotion Seattle, WA 1:48 Part of a fun and funky "Tweezer," Mike drives the band into a heavy and plusing "Sweet Emotion Jam." The real highlight here, however, just might be Trey's incredibly cool crossover from "Sweet Emotion" and -> into the rocking "Down With Disease" reprise.
1996-11-27 DwD Seattle, WA 3:27 -> in from "Sweet Emotion Jam." The preceding "Tweezer" and "Sweet Emotion Jam" fit nicely together with this "DwD" reprise, as if one cohesive piece of music. Following a big, exploratory "DwD" earlier in the set, this reprise version brings closure to a great sequence of music.
1997-08-02 Divided George, WA 15:18 Only played 4 times in 1997, Trey's restraint in this soaring, sunset version from the Gorge (released on Live Bait Vol. 4) allows the others to shine, and being that it's 1997, Mike surely does.
1997-08-02 Wolfman's George, WA 18:02 Sure, you can characterize this as "Type I." But within that, you get 6 solid minutes of '97 funk and 6+ minutes of power-rocking release action before returning to "Wolfman's" to close.
1997-08-02 DwD George, WA 16:34 All kinds of good funk in this strong version that -> into "Tweezer," after which "DwD" arguably returns for a minute or two.
1997-08-02 Tweezer George, WA 17:15 Segues out of "Disease." Brief "DWD" tease near the end as well. Very laid-back, slow, funk-ish version. Weak at times, though.
1997-08-02 Hood George, WA 17:42 After Trey asks CK5 to kill the lights so fans can enjoy the Gorge starlight, a stunning and sublime jam ensues.
1997-08-03 Foam George, WA 12:06 > in from "Bathtub Gin." Very cool, exploratory Page solo. Trey's solo is enhanced by an echo-like effect. A bass and percussion rich build-up leads to a soaring finish. If you aren't on the edge of your seat when the final verse starts, your soul has gone missing!
1997-08-03 Vultures George, WA 8:17 > "Dirt", the version demonstrates considerable growth over a short period of time. Page's fills fall like scales between Fish's off-kilter percussion, the jam itself a revelation. Trey's riffing and soloing is forceful, with each musician acutely attuned and playing "out" as if a means to somehow reign their sound "in". Impressive.
1997-08-03 Twist George, WA 11:54 A good, rocking and bluesy jam develops at 7:30 and continues until -> to "Jesus Just Left Chicago."
1997-08-03 JJLC George, WA 11:57 -> in from "Twist." Great version from the Gorge with Page switching keyboards and a fiery ending to the jam.
1997-08-03 LxL George, WA 11:37 A very different version from 7/31/97, with more staccato playing by Trey, and minor key fills from Page at points.
1997-08-03 Julius George, WA 13:00 Jam begins in a great, bluesy groove with Page on the B-3 for a few minutes before he jumps to the piano. Trey is relaxed in his playing, gradually building this one up, but never loses the swinging feel.
1997-08-03 Fluffhead George, WA 14:47 Beginning in 1997 and forever since, "Fluffhead" has suffered from some performance malaise. Whether due to lack of practice, fewer live performances, or other causes, the band's precision has declined. Yet this summer 1997 version is an anomaly, a nearly flawless rendering. Thank you Kevin Shapiro for releasing this version officially on Live Bait Vol. 17, because the audience recordings of this classic performance don't do justice to a truly exceptional, outlier version.
1997-08-03 Taste George, WA 11:58 Around 6:30, this version comes very close to breaking free of "Taste" altogether into free form improvisation. Fantastic peak and finale.
1998-07-16 Reba George, WA 16:59 Trey employs a silky, milky-whammy sort of effect, generating a really groovy, laid-back jam. Extremely fluid, extended, and atypical jamming features strong, rhythmic play from all, the version coasting, moving pleasantly upon its own kinetic energy, not quite building but rather dissolving to create a fantastic > into "FEFY."
1998-07-16 Julius George, WA 11:32 Another version where the jam is made more interesting by starting with a nice swinging groove, and only very gradually building the intensity.
1998-07-16 Moma George, WA 11:54 Good, funky playing before the lyrics. The main jam segment has a very nice peak and scat singing throughout.
1998-07-16 Tube George, WA 9:53 Slow grooving at the Gorge combining funk and ambience. > to "Slave". Released on Live Bait Volume 9.
1998-07-17 Ya Mar George, WA 12:49 > in from "Makisupa." Nice, easy going summer outro jam follows typical "Ya Mar" jam. Followed by a big "Gumbo."
1998-07-17 Gumbo George, WA 11:44 Slow funk groove with "Manteca" teases. Last few minutes is funky Trey solo and it finishes off with one slow chord.
1998-07-17 Divided George, WA 17:11 On the heels of a show opening "Makisupa" and chart versions of "Ya Mar" and "Gumbo," and notwithstanding 8/2/97, this is The Epic Gorge Sunset Version. Just wish KS would release the sbd of this whole excellent show (also with a stellar "2001" and "Mike's Groove" in Set II)! [This petition has been answered as of 2022's The Gorge '98 release.]
1998-07-17 2001 George, WA 24:13 Longest "2001" ever, the first jam is longer than some entire versions of "2001". Second jam is as gorgeous and fiery as the scenery where it was created.
1998-07-17 Mike's George, WA 18:38 Some might characterize the heavy duty, groove-based 1st jam which continues to 10:55 as repetitive and dull. Regardless, the 2nd jam is so different, melodic, and inspired that bopping along to a sludge-like groove for a bit is well worth it for the ambient hose-down payoff that follows.
1998-07-17 Weekapaug George, WA 13:23 An exhilarating version highlighted by filthy funk, a nice "Taste" tease, and a chunky blues-rock groove to close, unfinished.
1999-09-10 Fee George, WA 7:45 Similar to the typical harmonics-laced outro, but Fish is more active and Trey's playing is also atypical.
1999-09-10 Jibboo George, WA 8:02 Phish debut.
1999-09-11 Wolfman's George, WA 15:46 Jam quickly moves beyond funk mode and gives way at about 8:00 to a nice swinging, high power groove with no return to "Wolfman's." This rocking jam eventually burns out to transition space and -> to the debut of "Sand."
1999-09-11 Sand George, WA 17:30 The great debut version begins with a -> out of "Wolfman's Brother". The groove remains constant while Trey solos extensively with gradually increasing intensity.
1999-09-11 Caspian George, WA 10:49 Very nice intro section. The jam is great, and curiously seems to shift back and forth between '99 style high octave playing by Trey, and the predominantly power rocking style of '98. > to "Hood."
1999-09-11 Hood George, WA 15:32 A really graceful, gentle jam develops with great interplay. Although it gains power, it never loses the blissful '99 sound.
2003-07-12 Taste George, WA 11:18 Intense, high energy version where the boys seem to add some extra gusto to the jam.
2003-07-12 Maze George, WA 17:37 An exploratory jam develops, very unusual for "Maze." At about 10:45, the jam starts to break away into something well beyond the norm. Pulsing, angry and mean, this foray eventually works back to the expected, fiery conclusion.
2003-07-12 Ghost George, WA 18:09 Blistered Bella machine gun becomes a fiery pinwheel of metallic jizz before winding back down into a "Ghost" reprise outro. [Strong and varied jamming leads to a release section with "Izabella"-like hose jamming, which cooks nicely before eventually cooling off and returning to "Ghost."]
2003-07-13 Round Room George, WA 9:25 Page's generous use of his synthesizers transforms this outro jam into a divine soundscape.
2003-07-13 Seven Below George, WA 21:10 A very exploratory version. It gets really far out there before returning to a rocking jam that eventually gives way to the Seven Below theme. Also, it features a "Third Stone From the Sun" tease.
2009-08-07 Possum George, WA 8:33 Normal "Possum" jam abandoned for call and response between Trey and Page. Unique and well worth a listen.
2009-08-07 Sneakin' Sally George, WA 17:50 First 3.0 version is a monster. The most exploratory version to date. At first funky and snappy, it soon stretches beyond anything like "Sally." From there (about 11:00), it quiets into serene, beautiful space, and then regains momentum, reminiscent of the big Albany "Seven Below" that would follow months later. Must-hear.
2009-08-07 Light George, WA 13:15 After a rough composed section, a largely standard jam suddenly morphs into a highly melodic calypso section, replete with vocal harmonies, before neatly -> to "Taste."
2009-08-07 Gin George, WA 18:00 Very good, improvisational "Gin" with multiple sections. The jam breaks away from "Gin" proper at 9:30, proceeding through at least 3 movements before settling with no return to "Gin." > to "Harry Hood."
2009-08-08 R&R George, WA 22:37 A highly acclaimed performance from the early 3.0 period. While the jam ultimately reaches a magnificent conclusion, the 8 minutes leading up are somewhat plodding and monotone. Not on par with the superb "Sally" from the day before.
2009-08-08 Makisupa George, WA 7:16 There's a long, bluesy solo by Trey at around 3:30 and Trey and Mike switch instruments thereafter. Good, antics-filled version.
2011-08-05 Taste George, WA 9:07 Perhaps overshadowed by epic versions of "Roggae" and "Rock And Roll," this is nonetheless an excellent "Taste." Trey has some great moments throughout, and of course Page, but do yourself a favor while enjoying this and pay attention to Mike - he is locked-in and rock solid.
2011-08-05 Roggae George, WA 11:17 After skirting around the periphery of "Roggae," the jam eventually makes a clean break at about 7:30 into a somewhat rocking, somewhat bluesy jam with excellent Fish and Mike.
2011-08-05 R&R George, WA 19:55 Magnificent and improvisational jam features Page on the theremin and scary vocal effects from Mike. The jam has an upbeat opening that is eclipsed by dark and electric sections which conclude with a flawless -> to "Meatstick."
2011-08-05 Meatstick George, WA 8:47 Great segue in from a phenomenal "R&R," and also features a bit more varied jamming in the outro. -> to "BORW."
2011-08-05 Boogie On George, WA 8:42 -> in from "Meatstick." Trey and Page join Super Mike and all three rock this one hard, while Fish dutifully keeps everything in check. Technically "Type I," it's nevertheless a great version. > to "Farmhouse."
2011-08-06 Tweezer George, WA 12:24 Blistering jam, in part, largely Mike-driven, that segues into some serene spacey jamming, that in turn goes into "Caspian" and "Sand" before "Tweezer" returns for a minute.
2011-08-06 Caspian George, WA 5:40 > in from "Tweezer." "Caspian" and "Sand" are sandwiched inside "Tweezer."
2011-08-06 Sand George, WA 12:33 > of "Prince Caspian." Excellent playing from Trey over funky rhythms and returns to "Tweezer" from earlier in the set.
2011-08-06 Tweezer George, WA 1:12 -> in from "Sand" as to complete this "Tweezer" sandwich.
2013-07-26 Wolfman's George, WA 10:14 "Type I," but with added gusto, including great Mike/Trey teaming early, and then a big peak with strong Fish and Page.
2013-07-26 C&P George, WA 17:30 The nearly 9 minutes of Type II work in this version changes directions frequently and covers a multitude of styles despite not flowing well at all times. It also hints at a -> to "Roggae" towards the end but ultimately > to "Twist" instead.
2013-07-26 Waves George, WA 9:54 A great straightforward version of "Waves" provides a similar uplifting and spirit raising boost as a strong "Hood" or "Divided Sky" does. The soaring jam and delicate outro in this fine version from the Gorge underscores this point.
2013-07-26 Mango George, WA 8:43 While mostly straightforward, there's some extra "Mango" in this solid version with great Page/Trey syncopated jamming.
2013-07-27 Undermind George, WA 13:11 Flawless -> from "Down With Disease." The jam goes "Type II" around 6:15 and moves into melodic territory. Featuring unique drumming from Fish, the band explores an open, loose segment that travels back and forth between quieter and more upbeat places before descending into dark ambience brewed up by Mike and his synth pedals. Very nice > "Light."
2013-07-27 Sneakin' Sally George, WA 12:22 -> in from "Light." Although largely "Type I" jamming, this is a solid rocking version with great instrumentation.
2014-10-18 Sand Seattle, WA 10:06 Trey sits back allowing Page to lead the first half of the jam until the groove turns upbeat around 6:45. From there, Trey increases his role and brings it home with melodic leads before the > to "BDTNL". A really nice, atypical version.
2014-10-18 BDTNL Seattle, WA 9:01 A very solid in-the-box version, with strong Page in particular. At moments, it even sounds like Page teases the piano outro from "Sweet Home Alabama."
2016-07-15 WTU? George, WA 6:26 Similar in intent to 8/23/15's version - drops down to a murmur, then roars back to life. A fine version from a wonderful Set 2.
2016-07-15 Ghost George, WA 11:52 A Useful Cross-eyed and Drowsy Ghost Goes Robo-tripping in No Ghost Land. [All "Ghost"ly signs of this tease-infused hybrid disappear shortly after the six minute mark. Trey bolts for the Marimba Lumina, Mike drops some bombs, Fish picks up the pace, Mike and Page join him on percussion, and Fish riffs vocally on "No Man In No Man's Land." By the time everyone has moved back, they're (arguably?) reprising "NMINML" proper, and by the time you realize it, they're already off into -> "CDT."]
2016-07-15 CDT George, WA 8:20 -> from "Ghost," this spirited "CDT" finds the band working through the same three teases informing "Ghost," only in opposite. Spooky good. But there is much more to this centerpiece version than inventive teasing. Trey dominates, his playing infectious. And the band responds in kind, resulting in a huge, celebratory peak. Ethereal, effects-laden playing bleeds into "Meatstick."
2016-07-15 Meatstick George, WA 8:36 There's a bit more heft to this outro jam than typical, most notably Trey's added Echoplex, Page's synth work, and a spacey transition > to "2001".
2016-07-15 2001 George, WA 8:25 A liquid Mike funky jam gives way to "C&P" quotes and then an absolutely filthy "NMINML" tease filled jam.
2016-07-16 BOAF George, WA 7:25 Combining reverb-heavy sounds with a very different take on the familiar theme, this jam sways from passage to passage with increasing intensity, until peaking with solid Page and Trey. Straightforward structurally, this unique rendering of the "BOAF" jam is classic Phish, reinventing older material.
2016-07-16 Wingsuit George, WA 10:48 More quiet, contemplative soloing from Trey allows for more access to Mike's playing, which creates a really pleasant and interesting sonic juxtaposition. Trey's patterned, almost "skipping" style works to inspire Fish and Page. This eventually yields to far more forceful soloing (Trey), with Fish thrashing about upon his cymbals. Mike's drilling creates an interesting > into "Shade."
2016-07-16 Mike's George, WA 8:20 Although straightforward in nature, the rocking jam has a completely different sound and melody than the typical 3.0 fare, supplemental by guitar effects and Page's keyboard selections. It's different and worth hearing.
2016-07-16 Farmhouse George, WA 5:47 Delicate, directed playing by Trey, including some lovely descending arpeggios provide solid grounding for a strong "Mike's Groove," start to finish.
2018-07-20 Set Your Soul Free George, WA 8:40 Phish debut
2018-07-20 Simple George, WA 14:40 Quickly leaves blissful "Simple" jamming behind and steadily gains intensity with a dark undercurrent en route to a rocking peak and then returns to the song's riff to close.
2018-07-20 CDT George, WA 23:31 A few minutes into the jam, Page's synth leads Mike into the goop. The jam trots along back in a shuffle, flirting with the grimy depths until 12:30 when the hose engages. Building with patience and poise, a massive bliss jam with multiple celebratory peaks ensues. Trey sustains a note to signal the highest and longest peak; this dissolves into a plinko jam driven primarily by Page and Mike, who make it spacey. > "My Friend, My Friend."
2018-07-22 Wombat George, WA 10:43 Trey showcases several of his new-for-2018 guitar tones in this jam that goes from growly funk vamping to a synth-laden space groove and a final rock peak all in < 11 minutes.
2018-07-22 C&P George, WA 17:52 A slower-paced, more textural jam that drops us into the ether and midway through takes on a brighter tone but retains its otherworldly feel.
2018-07-22 Twist George, WA 13:05 Mike takes point on this deliciously spacey and gnarly jam, replete with fun "Heartbreaker" and "Crosseyed" teases. Dies away into a contemplative jam with a repeating theme from Mike and some lovely electric piano work from Page. > into "Waves".
2018-07-22 SOAMelt George, WA 17:05 More 12/29/17 than 7/6/13, the band quickly drops any sense of composition, and the version assumes a dark disposition, colored more by (Mike) a sense of cloaked "space" and "introspection", than thematic unity or tension. It being 2018, the jam crosses, then enters, play at the gates of Page, his contributions eerie and emblematic of the era, while Trey, after some jarring soloing, deftly works in the song's closing theme.
2021-08-27 WTU? George, WA 9:07 Bettered in length only by 6/25/00 thanks to an atypically long and varied regrouping after the near-silence around 2:25. An ethereal journey worthy of the Gorge.
2021-08-27 Camel Walk George, WA 16:54 One of 1997's signature moments, Trey employs "Camel Walk" to push Pranksters off the stage and usher in a new era. Decades later, "Camel Walk" remains a centerpiece song, the funk just as deep, with Trey's plucky play sprite atop Fish's steady, infectious beat. In time, Page bathes the stage in sound as the jam, in what has become typical '21 fashion, breaks free to inhabit wide-ranging space and super sonic pastures before -> "CDT."
2021-08-27 CDT George, WA 13:11 -> from a GOAT "Camel Walk," the band breaks for "CDT," a song that Trey, when recently discussing his band's early 90s ascendancy, called their best. Still crazy good after all these years, here the band offers a quiet, restrained take, improvisation lightyears removed from Alpharetta's historic jaunt, but no less interesting. An interesting juxtaposition demonstrating a band back at the height of their collective powers. While truly a unique take, fans of this approach would do well to visit 6.19.19, which, unusual in its own right, quietly veers into "STTTL."
2021-08-28 Carini George, WA 13:41 Opening a show for the second time in just over three weeks, this is one of the most sublime openers in recent Phish history. Trey takes the lead as he was wont to do in Summer '21. Fish's relentless drumming ensures the jam never loses a step. By the end of the jam, the band is fully locked in and it's only the first song of the show! > "Maze."
2021-08-28 46 Days George, WA 10:11 More melodically variable and far less guitar-dominated than most, the band gets dark and down in this tempered, almost subdued take.
2021-08-28 Sand George, WA 14:31 The jam begins typically with solid, funky playing led by Trey and with Page's crunchy keyboard action. Around 7:00, there is a noticeable break to major mode. The forces seem to gather, suggestive of an oncoming peak. Instead, the band seems to luxuriate in this blissful mode, stretching and exploring the terrain without ever pushing the sentiment over the top. The intensity gradually diminishes, but the warm sentiment continues before devolving to transition space.
2021-08-28 Scents and Subtle Sounds George, WA 17:52 With the intro, no less! Moves into a warm jamming space with Fish doing some real interesting work and Mike stepping to the forefront, builds in intensity through good Trey effects work, and peaks quite well, before gently winding down to nothing and > "Bug".
2021-08-29 Gin George, WA 14:21 The jam picks up momentum, then briefly takes on a swirling, exploratory vibe. At 9:35, the music becomes celebratory, building towards a collective peak, before finally returning to "Gin" to close.
2021-08-29 Mr. Completely George, WA 18:47 Quickly maneuvers into major-key bliss, distinguished by some frenetic playing from Fishman, then moves into a brisker and snappier zone thanks to Trey switching to chords. The band briefly dips into contemplative minor key playing, before moving to something more upbeat, with Page's electric piano at the forefront. Trey's effects-smothered guitar playing and Page's synths combine wonderfully, with Mike going to the envelope filter and Fish as steady as ever. Very good -> into "Meat" to close. A fine companion piece to the 8/4/21 version.
2023-04-14 A Wave of Hope Seattle, WA 19:38 A cloud of uncertainty hangs over the early stages but Fish keeps things afloat with constant forward motion. Around 12:00 the jam begins to gradually emerge from darkness with Trey wielding his guitar like a blazing beam of light cutting through the gloom as it builds and builds to a series of peaks.
2023-04-14 Golden Age Seattle, WA 17:24 Tight, airy play hews closely to the song proper for quite some time before Trey calls for improvisational departure. Fish breaks the beat - listen, a bit after the 8:00 mark, for this wonderful moment - before the groove bleeds to become hushed, restrained play, evoking early (as in 60s) psychedelic experimentation. And then... memorable almost for what doesn't happen as opposed to what does, this is Phish at their seemingly effortless best, bathing the base with another dose of the finest in the nation.
2023-04-14 Fluffhead Seattle, WA 16:24 Arrives in fine fashion with an unusual modulation, giving the outro a "YEM"-like twist before returning home at 14:54 to close the show.
2023-04-15 Wolfman's Seattle, WA 13:29 Trey leads this one off the beaten path with a squiggly guitar tone, and as the jam continues down the rabbit hole, it reveals a dizzyingly beautiful dimension of sonic pleasures. This holds sway until a sea change around 11:00 brings a heavier, more industrial sound, setting the table for a welcome -> "Izabella" in this fantastic first-set pairing.
2023-04-15 Reba Seattle, WA 13:01 Really unique. One must (arguably) go back to the early days to find not a better version, but such markedly different improvisation. Near the 7:50 mark Mike drives the band towards direct, "compact" play...Trey, onboard, works through a series of licks - which he, himself, rhythmically offsets - while Fish and Page add pretty remarkable accents. True to such magnetic play, Trey wastes no time dialing in his shreddy, on-point peak; Fish, in step, quickly toms play to a close (his inspired drumming running through the "Bag it, Tag it," section).
2023-04-15 CDT Seattle, WA 13:33 Fairly quick departure after the lyrics, led at first by Page's organ and then Trey showing off his tone. The jam picks up momentum and deconstructs, becoming more percussive as Mike and Fish step forward. The bass effects propel the improvisation to a darker more aggressive space that churns temporarily before Trey's lead melodies reappear and take the band over the set closing peak.
2023-04-15 Tube Seattle, WA 11:25 Showing up in the second set for only the second time since 2010, this "Tube" is a late-in-the-show surprise. Nimble playing from Trey highlights while Fish controls the tempo like the master he is. Things get whipped into a frenzy before eventually navigating back into the "Tube" riff to wrap things up. > "Wading in the Velvet Sea".
Jam chart versions are selected because of improvisational and other characteristics that distinguish these from typical versions of the song.
The jam chart team has highlighted some versions with a yellow background; these are the versions the team believes to be especially improvisational, or otherwise notable.
A purple date indicates that you were in attendance.


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