Jam Chart for Ghost (67 entries)

Date City Timing Notes
1997-06-13 Dublin, Ireland 8:22 Cursory initial inspection of form and function...healthy purr from the motor...let's rev this thing up. [Debut.]
1997-07-01 Amsterdam, Netherlands 20:31 Melodious "Back of the Worm" madness. [Funk flows to "Back of the Worm" jamming, then opens to serene and melodic grooving, which eventually grows funky and percussive again. Helluva show opener!]
1997-07-03 Nüremberg, Germany 29:43 Flowing, passionate, near symphonic excursion with a "Ghost" vocal reprise. [Heavy funk turns quiet and introspective, builds energy, then follows a mildly dark, funky path before brightening into percussive, rocking jamming with "Ghost" vocals.]
1997-07-23 Atlanta, GA 26:40 Raging porno-funk that slides into a very mellow midi horn laden outro. [A multi-section masterpiece of funky '97 styles highlight this strong jam. Page skillfully deploys multiple keyboards, and the jam energy ebbs and flows repeatedly.]
1997-07-29 Phoenix, AZ 15:01 Mellow "C&P"-like groove into Monster Funk ending in Went "Gin"-like jam. [A typically funky '97 version releases and then breaks into an excellent upbeat and hose-filled groove.]
1997-08-09 East Troy, WI 15:26 Big bass techno-funk. Fine segue into "Taste." [Funk -> release as expected, but the release is short before delving into more funk, then settling to some excellent, quiet introspective play which -> to "Taste."]
1997-08-16 Limestone, ME 16:39 Mellow big bass funk groove, no climax. [A nice gradual transition from the heavy funk to more open, upbeat play, which grows dissonant before latching onto a great rocking, powerful and percussive groove.]
1997-11-17 Denver, CO 21:20 Raging space funk. [The expected funk breaks into fantastic and towering blissful play, then shifts to great rocking and funk-driven jamming which gradually mellows. A fan favorite "Ghost."]
1997-11-28 Worcester, MA 18:39 Raucous techno-funk with breakdown jam. [Strong funk through 9:45 when this one uncorks, quiets down to some cool low-key play, then rebuilds to a captivating and explosive finale and -> to "Johnny B. Goode."]
1997-12-11 Rochester, NY 16:26 Blazing, rocking funk which -> to a "DwD" reprise. [A good, funky jam settles into some low-key grooving, then gradually develops a full head of steam, igniting into a blistering, raging eclipse which -> to "DwD Reprise."]
1998-07-02 Copenhagen, Denmark 20:40 Volcanic rock to Carmina Burana trance which passes through lush oceanic swells to the ring of fire. [Intense and fiery "Ghost" jamming morphs to pensive, melodic and dark ambient play, then brightens to upbeat and quintessentially '98 ambient transcendence.]
1998-07-06 Prague, Czech Republic 15:08 A bold funk intro that is further highlighted by a raging and intense jam with a peak so high it is unscalable by its most ardent fans...the musical equivalent of absinthe injection by machine gun in a crossfire hurricane. [-> in from "Bag." An extended intro leads to a blistering hot straightforward jam that eventually burns out and -> to "Cities."]
1998-07-19 Mountain View, CA 17:26 Great Wentian "Mind Left Body Jam"-like build into driving groove through "Who Knows" and "Manteca" themes culminating in blistering rock with "Ghost" vocal reprise. [Solid "Ghost" jamming releases, returns to funk with "Manteca"-like jamming, then builds to a raging and spirited celebratory blow-out with Fish vocals adding emphasis.]
1998-07-21 Phoenix, AZ 19:36 Funky groove into epic soaring balls-out rock and roll supernova that throbs smoothly into bluesey intro for "She Caught the Katy." [Quality and extended straightforward "Ghost" jamming eventually takes on a nice swinging blues vibe and -> to "She Caught The Katy."]
1998-08-02 Noblesville, IN 19:03 Rock star Page driving the mothership into deep outer space. [Follows the typical format, but with great contributions by Page and Mike. Then after 14:30, the jam breaks into an excellent electro-rock groove wich gradually recedes.]
1998-08-16 Limestone, ME 18:16 Relaxing cerebral massage with glow sticks and a "Foxy Voodoo" outro. [The jam here is ripe with iconic and lush '98-style ambient grooving. The most purely ambient of all versions, the band later molded "Ghost" to match its musical focus.]
1998-10-15 San Francisco, CA 16:20 Almost 30 years to the day (10/17/68) after the debut of the Steve McQueen film Bullitt, Phish provides a new score for the car chase scene. [Show opening bubbly and bouncing groove goes uptown and Trey and Page rock the house, then serene play nicely cools things off before a -> to "Water In The Sky."]
1998-11-11 Grand Rapids, MI 15:47 You enjoy my Ghost while I set fire to this transformer substation leaving behind a smoldering pile of carboniferous goo. [Great groove with awesome funky Page playing with all his toys, then Trey takes the con and leads the jam to an incendiary, multi-summit peak.]
1998-11-19 Winston-Salem, NC 17:56 Soaring incandescent groove to old skool cow-funk culminating in full band screaming orgasm and a molten metal outro. [As a good dark groove gradually lightens and energizes, the jam takes an unexpected shift when Page hits the B-3, turning the expected peak into a dance party.]
1998-12-31 New York, NY 15:45 Orgasmic "sleety" symphony which breaks down into throbbing B&D industrial metal that ratchets abruptly into "Ha Ha Ha." [The jam moves beyond the typical structure, breaking into gritty and pulsating play that bridges the ambient sound of '98 and sparser grooves of '99 and '00 quite well.]
1999-07-20 Toronto, Ontario, Canada 16:12 Uncle Ebenezer's frozen head revivified through the injection of a steaming hot blast of ectoplasm. [Mighty Mike's monstrous Modulus groove massacres the minions at Molson.]
1999-07-23 Columbus, OH 16:48 Relentless molten neon electro rockslide that comes to rest in a glistening mountain lake. [Fish and Mike lead a fantastic, uptempo groove, and as Trey pours it on, you can literally hear the audience get whipped into a frenzy, then soothed with a great outro.]
1999-07-30 Niigata, Japan 22:10 A twilight stroll from the fields of heaven through the garden of infinite pleasantries that culminates in the discovery of the noisy generator powering the lanterns in the garden. [Fish is noticeably strong in a tight "Ghost" jam, which then breaks into a great Page-led groove, mellows to sublime ambient space, and rebuilds to a dark, fiery ending.]
1999-09-09 Vancouver, British Columbia, Canada 15:27 Add nine grams of ground decarboxylated cannabis to nine ounces of Bacardi 151. Heat mixture to 151 degrees Fahrenheit for ninety-nine minutes. Strain and decant through nine ice cubes into nine medicinal glass vials. Take nine drops over the course of the next nine days. [An ethereal version, lush with the swirling and alluring sounds of '99, but also featuring a strong, Mike-led groove beginning around 7:45, which eventually dissipates.]
1999-09-12 Portland, OR 29:42 Colossal virtual reality train ride across the wind-swept moors of ninth century England diving into a vortex which dumps out into orbit around Saturn. [Departs a high energy "Ghost" at 14:00, breaking into a great bouncy groove which then become otherworldly and effects-laden, similar to the end of the 9/14/99 "Bag."]
1999-10-09 Albany, NY 23:01 A drive up Saddle Road to the summit of Mauna Kea to watch the sun set and the sky explode with stars. [Classic '99-style "Ghost" jamming breaks into a serene and light groove that some hear as "My Left Toe," but it's not. Instead, it's just great Phish. -> to "Free."]
1999-12-11 Philadelphia, PA 19:06 Endurance run through the Nevada desert crests the ridge into the Groom Lake Basin to behold the arrival of the mothership. [-> in from "Sally." Strong, slow tempo straightforward version with great Mike blasts off into deep outer space after 13:00 and explores the universe before -> to "2001."]
2000-05-22 New York, NY 26:56 Mesmerizing conglomeration of tesselation and coruscation. [Mellow groove with some spacey effects rolls along until 13:55, when the jam gets more rocking, then breaks into a fantastic and serene groove that swells and dissipates.]
2000-06-15 Chuo-ku, Osaka, Japan 18:01 Generally patient deconstruction of the "Ghost" theme that veers into Albany "YEM" ("Oh Happy Day") jamspace for a few then resolves to glorious peak that leaves you asking "Why doesn't Phish jam the fuck out of songs in the first set ever anymore?" [A quality '00-style "Ghost" groove rolls along, breaks into great swinging section, and then cranks it up into some serious hose-jamming before returning to "Ghost."]
2000-07-01 Hartford, CT 16:24 Sleek bullet train jumps the tracks at the top of a steep grade escapes Earth's gravitational pull and goes supernova as it nears light speed. [A quick-tempo "Ghost" jam acelerates even further, Trey shreds amidst uniquely '00 sounds, and then the jam gets crazed before blasting off into outer space.]
2000-07-07 Burgettstown, PA 17:21 Polyrhythmic wormhole to 1995 which switches gears toward a wide droning gyre ornamented with spirals and dimensional flanging and a vaguely tubular resolution. [A haunting version which breaks into a distinctive dark groove at 9:00 and stays there, with little of the typically blissful jamming associated with "Ghost."]
2003-02-15 Las Vegas, NV 18:38 Swaggering space roullette "Oh Happy Day" groove with a watery wobblefunk rage side slide into deep space cathedral vespers outro. [An awesome and very groovy early section with great Page gradually cycles up to euphoric party mode, breaks into a funky reprise, and settles to great quiet play.]
2003-02-26 Worcester, MA 14:54 Creepy decomposition into a thick electric groove with a purpose that builds smoothly into a killer "Low Rider" jam. [Improvisational and dynamic version with a bubbly and bouncy groove that explores varied terrain, gradually grows in power, shifts to overdrive and -> to "Low Rider."]
2003-07-12 George, WA 18:09 Blistered Bella machine gun becomes a fiery pinwheel of metallic jizz before winding back down into a "Ghost" reprise outro. [Strong and varied jamming leads to a release section with "Izabella"-like hose jamming, which cooks nicely before eventually cooling off and returning to "Ghost."]
2003-07-27 Raleigh, NC 18:25 A seven course prix fixe culinary exploration of the deliciously dank flora, fauna, and fungi of the nocturnal arboreal outback. [Dark and very improvisational. A few moments point to the customary upbeat "Ghost" release, only to be passed over in favor of more ominous exploration.]
2003-08-03 Limestone, ME 31:47 Keep out of the reach of children...there is a sense that IT could happen at any moment. [Excellent, celebratory "Ghost" jamming through 19:00, when the jam grows dissonant, angry, and effects-laden, then resurfaces to a rocking section and winds down.]
2004-06-26 East Troy, WI 16:03 Euphoric space-disco firehose dance party in Pere Lachaise Cemetery. [-> in from a strong "BORW." Improvisational and exploratory jamming morphs into a bouncy upbeat groove which grows increasingly celebratory. > to a strong "Free."]
2004-08-15 Coventry, VT 17:30 Through a crack in the fabric of space-time a horde of flaming orange locusts cascaded down the fetid slope of manure, became a cyclone of debris, limbs, and offal in the muddy bowl then coalesced into a sheet of light which rapidly withdrew upslope back into the void of infinity. [-> in from a strong "SOAM." The jam breaks into an angry, rocking groove that grows dissonant, tension-filled, and includes Trey's eerie yelling and digi-guitar effects.]
2009-11-28 Albany, NY 22:25 Festive post-tryptophan aerobicize flanges into crystal elves riding bullfrogs down to the hypersonic neon metallic dragon boat races. [A multi-section improvisational juggernault. This jam travels far, and little of it sounds like familiar "Ghost" territory. Eventually the jam builds to a rocking firestorm.]
2009-12-31 Miami, FL 14:15 Subsonic (wow Gordo!) quantum-tunneling rock drill with an "Auld Lang Syne" jam that finds its way to the dentists office. [Great Mike early-on gradually builds to a nice peak. Then the jam shifts to a solid, snappy section replete with an "Auld Lang Syne" tease and more, and -> to "NO2."]
2010-10-10 Broomfield, CO 15:22 An amorphous tendril of haphazard dissonance takes root in some electrified chocolate pudding finally allowing it to take a look around at the complexities of its own general lack of structure. [Strong straightforward version with extended "Ghost" jamming and solid play by all four, especially Fish. The jam gradually builds to a glorious peak and a nice fade-out.]
2010-12-31 New York, NY 13:48 May this one find you when you are feeling down, it will lift your heart and your feet from the ground; building the euphoric bridge that allows you to cross that river of tears. [A strong straightforward version. By shifting to D major just before 7:00 and staying in that place for over 6 minutes, the bliss or release section is accentuated.]
2012-07-01 East Troy, WI 9:42 You ever have a pulled pork slider that's got so much flavor packed in such a small bite that it makes you crosseyed? It's like that. [An excellent short but improvisational version promptly departs standard "Ghost" at 5:30 to survey good and varied terrain, includes "C&P" quotes, then -> to "BOTT."]
2014-07-12 New York, NY 16:32 Those who believe in wormholes will shout "Timber" when they catch a chilling thrilling glimpse into a future haunted house during the early moments of this quarter speed heartbreaker that evolves into a twirling fountain of incandescent sparks passes through a cyclotron and emerges as a multi-dimensional space funk groove. [A strong, rocking "Ghost" includes jamming that is the likely genesis of "Timber," as well as an extended pulsing and electric outro jam that is well regarded by many.]
2014-07-20 Chicago, IL 11:29 Swirling Samurai with a Sawzall wields the power blade on a scintillating space disco mirror ball. [A really solid, rocking and improvisational version features great playing by all four, especially Mike. Little of this jam sounds anything like "Ghost." -> to "Weekapaug."]
2014-07-26 Columbia, MD 10:48 "Ain't Nothing But a Good Time!" [A strong and atypical jam is loaded with positive vibes and rocking, feel-good sentiments, before growing mildly dissonant and transitioning to "Steam."]
2014-12-31 Miami, FL 16:35 A tall and tasty tropical sun splashed sugar rimmed whipped cream topped boat drink shared with old familiar friends provides the expected results. ["Ghost" jamming turns blissful, settles into serene, quieter musing, energizes and returns to "Ghost" before finally turning funky and spacey and > to a strong "Theme."]
2016-07-15 George, WA 11:52 A Useful Cross-eyed and Drowsy Ghost Goes Robo-tripping in No Ghost Land. [All "Ghost"ly signs of this tease-infused hybrid disappear shortly after the six minute mark. Trey bolts for the Marimba Lumina, Mike drops some bombs, Fish picks up the pace, Mike and Page join him on percussion, and Fish riffs vocally on "No Man In No Man's Land." By the time everyone has moved back, they're (arguably?) reprising "NMINML" proper, and by the time you realize it, they're already off into -> "CDT."]
2016-07-19 San Francisco, CA 11:15 Drops from an empty cob-webbed attic through a revolving Echoplex multiverse trap-door into a merry go round of incandescence. [Trey dials in his gnarliest, grittiest "2.0"-era tone, and employs his favorite "3.0"-era toy to multiplex ghoulish echoes over the early parts of this "Ghost" jam, as Fish pushes the pace into a trance-like state. Trey's trills and Fish's fills take hold and bump things up a step and the jam slides seamlessly into major mode bliss, where Page's piano shines brightly and Mike's fluid bass lines just won't quit.]
2016-08-26 Arrington, VA 13:28 That scene in The Right Stuff where the aboriginal shaman sends the cloud of fireflies to repair the heat shield on the Mercury capsule so John Glenn can safely re-enter Earth's atmosphere. It sounded like this. [In from "Fuego" ->, the Lockn' "Ghost" starts out with some staccato MuTron work from Trey and some wah-infused Clav' from Page, before Mike and Fish shove the jam into a bright, upbeat space that Trey fills and trills with sustained joy. After a bit of "WOO!" and a McGrupp fake-out, they slide right into -> "Gin."]
2016-12-30 New York, NY 16:53 Severe weather alert: if the thunder don't get you, then the lightning wheel. [Mike opens the door to a more contemplative major-key space, and Trey hits on a gorgeous repeating note pattern. Page moves to piano and the jam turns warmer and richer, then settles down into a chilled-out late-night groove. Superb version that > into a killer "Light".]
2017-07-18 Dayton, OH 16:31 If Super Bowl LI were a song... it would sound like this. [Excellent, unusual, and highly musical version. As if a malleable substance, Trey employs any number of ideas - and works an array of pitches - to fashion light from an atonal sort of darkness.]
2017-08-05 New York, NY 20:40 After YEARS of sustained lobbying by site users for its chart induction, it's time to have your doughnut, and eat it, too. Twelve shows in, it was just a matter of time before the band delivered a centerpiece "Ghost," and, following a smoking set-closing "Plasma," the band wastes no time, taking the stage and bathing the arena with a smooth sort of "pastiche," a accumulation of BD sounds that manifests around sixteen minutes in when Trey fires a series of notes (which Page traces in a sort of descending pattern) before Phish enters one of its most august moments.
2018-07-17 Stateline, NV 16:08 Page-guided white water rafting trip through a buttressed cathedral of an ice cream sundae. [A spirited first-set version that dives into a lovely Page-driven dreamscape before moving at Fish's urging to a driving, hard rocking jam. The jam closes with an amusing take on the usual "Ghost" ending, as the band slows down the tempo while dropping chromatically with each note played, almost like a turntable being played at an increasingly slower speed.]
2018-08-03 Alpharetta, GA 20:50 Galaga and Zaxxon battle Space Invaders in the resplendent Echoes of an exploding Dark Star. [One may not need not a chamber to be haunted, but the best Ghosts - at least of late (and for sure: this is one of the best) - appear orchestral in nature. Fluid, nebulous, and wholly organic, deep brain-grooves give rise to a series of music images which, like paper dipped in water, slowly form to bloom, presenting a picture of exactly what this band is capable of, whatever the set, and whatever the year. (This, and the closing refrain is both chill and humorous.)]
2018-10-23 Nashville, TN 17:30 > from "Mike's Song", Trey starts off a very improvisational dark, full-band jam, dominated by low tone synths from Mike. Play stays crunchy, infused with distortion and delay, the band riding a spooky groove, offset be terrific Page. Trey teases "Tired of Waiting for You" before the band, led by Fish, coalesces, each member contributing interesting ideas that beautifully combine into high-energy Trey, who, after turning on an echo, employs brain-scrambling delay before the four slow things down to close. H/T to @Col_Radicones_Ascent for the language.
2019-08-31 Commerce City, CO 16:15 Thumping electro-synth groove dominates this inventive jam full of fresh sounds and focused play.
2021-08-04 Nashville, TN 13:19 With more lives than a cat, this "Ghost" showcases what's so fun and great about Summer 21. While jams are often considered "soupy," here the band simmers, producing play that cooks to a slow boil. Dark and intense, the band uses space as a canvas, splashing their patterned, space-age, electro rock, with all four contributing in equal measure before Trey, in Jedi-fashion, stumbles upon one of his most thrilling lines - if you don't know the one, listen - which Pages hears, seizes, and owns. This informs a tremendous run and one of the Phishiest segues (-> "Gin") in some time. Must. Listen.
2021-10-31 Las Vegas, NV 26:30 "Ghost" gets its almost-always-spot on Halloween night and it does not disappoint. At 10:30, the band locks in after searching around. Fish's play drives the jam and Trey's soloing leads the way. The upbeat jam slows considerably at 14:00, with the ensuing play sounding reminiscent of a "BASOS" jam. From that, emerges a murky, effects-laden jam. Mike's bass playing towards the end is a highlight in the longest version of the song since the IT Festival.
2022-04-21 New York, NY 16:29 The jam begins with an upbeat tempo anchored by cool playing from Trey. Later, the tempo slows as Mike takes the lead with deft work on the bass. Just when you think the chunky notes of the song from Trey are leading to the end of the jam, the rest of the band isn't quite ready to let things go, which leads to a maelstrom of a peak, before finally returning to end the song.
2022-07-31 Columbia, MD 14:25 After an upbeat lead-in, the jam turns dark and menacing at 8:45, at first simmering, and then sizzling with intensity as it reaches its apex when it's fully unleashed after 12:00.
2022-08-05 Atlantic City, NJ 12:17 Mike isn't always featured in JC entries, but when he is...Well, for what it's worth - and more - check out this late-show "Ghost." Per .netter @DetectiveFrankShark: Coming out of the last chorus, deliberate three-note chromatic play prevents the band from settling into predictable jamming. Fishman drops out to play atmospheric, scattershot, offbeat "lead"; Trey matches Mike's strange play; and, suddenly, we're in foreign territory. The way the band builds up the rest of the jam is a testament to just how great they played this Friday night. This, then, > a terrific "Hood."
2022-08-12 East Troy, WI 13:10 Upbeat major key bliss turns fiery and funky, getting 'ass-handed' before the band carves out a final trench of grimy filth that breaks for "The Howling".
2023-10-13 Chicago, IL 18:04 -> from "Halley's", this version has a quicker beginning than most. This is a laid-back, feel-good first set jam. Introspective and then euphoric. Peak upon peak. (And stick around for the "Albuquerque" bustout afterwards!)
2024-04-21 Las Vegas, NV 17:01 The band neatly avoids some familiar tropes to deliver a version that exists in a sonic space somewhere between exploration and contemplation. On the back of Trey's growling tone, they quickly hit on a fresh progression that colors the jam to come and inspires some swirling group play that looks towards the light briefly before shifting to a more aggressive, rhythmic pulsing approach. Capped off with stiff frothy peaks, this is a tasty version that delivers the goods and a clean return.
2024-07-19 Mansfield, MA 19:01 The initial spelunk-funk of "Ghost's" outset jam breaks quickly for contemplative major key exploration, before escalating toward more rock- oriented pastures. The band plants their flag here and digs in when suddenly, a portal rips through space-time, catalyzing a dance with ""4.0's"" famous Dissonant Robots, before concluding with a >""Light"".
2024-08-04 Noblesville, IN 31:06 In latter-day Phish, extended "Ghost" intros typically portend greatness and this version is no different. Around 23:00, Trey and Mike link up and push the jam into a new territory and it takes off. Fish's driving play ensures the entire band keeps exploring the space. When the jam is seemingly still in a cool place, Trey forces the band back to the "Ghost" melody. He can be forgiven, given the huge version of "Soul Planet" that follows.
Jam chart versions are selected because of improvisational and other characteristics that distinguish these from typical versions of the song.
The jam chart team has highlighted some versions with a yellow background; these are the versions the team believes to be especially improvisational, or otherwise notable.
A purple date indicates that you were in attendance.


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